Sunday, November 30, 2008


Well, I don't have the patients to sit here all night and mess with this. It's already 1:30am! I need to be doing other things! I have to go pick up Bob in DesPlaines here after awhile. I was going to finish decorating for x-mas, but that will have to wait till tomorrow. Luckily I have the day off! :)

I'm also trying to figure out what is wrong with my foot. I'm hoping that I don't have a fracture! It's been hurting for about a month now. I thought it might have been from falling down the concrete steps leading to the parking garage, but it hurt before that! haha.. Idk though. It also might be from my shoes that I wear to work and being on my feet constantly all damn day! It could be a number of things really. It's to the point now though where my eyes almost water when I walk. =/ I guess a doctors visit might be a good thing...

Work was just completely ridiculous tonight! When I got there, they didn't have a lane for me to go on AGAIN! So, I had to run around and take back returns + give people their breaks + take the overflowing cart load of hangers to the back, which I had never done before, so I pretty much didn't know where I was going! When they finally had a lane for me to go on, the lady that was there before me left NO money in the drawer, the area was a mess and I didn't have time to clean anything because we were really busy. It's was horrible... lol. Luckily it went by really fast. I don't think I could have worked any longer than what I was scheduled for. I probably would have ended up hitting someone haha... no, jk.
Alright I'm done ranting! :) 

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